Is it possible to learn Malayalam in just one month?

Learning a language demands a lot of patience and persistence. A big hazard in learning a new language is the hesitance to break the mental barriers. Malayalam is one of the Dravidian languages, which has a long literary tradition. Due to the unique sounds and tricky pronunciation of words, the language is assumed to be the toughest one to learn.
Keralites who are living outside Kerala find it difficult to pass on their mother tongue to the younger generation. Malayalam language learning schools online in recent years have come forward to take up this initiative.
Learning Process
Any task given to you seems impossible until it’s done. But once you achieve the goal, the happiness you experience would be seamless. Languages are the guides to take you on a long ride through the culture of that specific region. It gives us the freedom to explore, communicate and collect information as we require. Taking us to the right path, language transforms us with more knowledge.
You can do a lot in the language during a few months of learning. But if you would like to speak a language for the rest of your life it needs constant practice. Further, you may need to improve the language by living life through it. Once you attain fluency in a language, it is likely to stay with you pretty much forever.
No shortcut to learning a language
A genius with great intellect also has got to use his human ears and eyes to deal with memory. There is a limitation in human’s capacity to absorb information in a short time. Using shortcuts to learn a language will give you an incomplete result with frequent errors while using the language. The plan to speed up learning a language usually relies on non-traditional methods, without enquiring why the traditional methods are always in first place for successful learning.
Learning the Malayalam language, like any other language, needs a lot of hard work. One must invest a lot of time to learn the grammar and the usage of words, etc. At the beginner level, the learning will be easy but when you move ahead, the effort for learning practices should be made more consistently. A beginner in the Malayalam learning class gets support in identifying the sounds and words through various techniques included in online sessions and becomes able to construct the sentences in the language.
'Akshharam', the online learning school focuses on the foremost dynamic approach to learning Malayalam through different modules of live classes.
Different levels of learning Malayalam language
- At the initial level, children learn how to write and read all Malayalam alphabets and start identifying the sound and alphabet. They also attempt to write small words.
- Level two enables children to develop more familiarity with the language, increase the fluency in reading and writing and also expand their vocabulary. The main objective at this level is to ensure that the children are able to read and write independently using simple and common words in Malayalam. Slowly they start comprehending simple Malayalam sentences.
- At level three the learners begin to understand the building blocks of the language and start making sentences independently. Children understand the usage of prepositions, plurals, common tenses and other usages needed for conversation with the regular practice of simple conversations in Malayalam. Story sessions of online sessions effectively enhance vocabulary and enrich Malayalam skills among children. Encourage them to write summaries of stories in their own words improve their confidence level at this stage.
- As children develop their communication skill through all these various methods, a real time conversation through interactions with their learning buddies will be very effective at the final level
Tips for learning a language quickly
- Choose an expert language teacher.
- Use your words and find ways to speak the language whenever you can.
- Read books available in the target language.
- Consume language media.
- Indulge in the local culture of the language region.
- Make use of language podcasts and apps.
- Instead of practicing alone, avail feedback from native speakers.
- Combine with adventure and fun.
- Worry less about making mistakes.
One of the simplest facts about life is that we never stop learning. New skills are always available for us to adopt. Even the most successful people in this world do not claim to know everything. There are advantages to whatever option you select, whether the support of just a native speaker or an expert language teacher who can handle different techniques in teaching. Speaking the target language without hesitation is the easiest way to master it.
Ensuring your kids retain their mother tongue is often challenging. The best way to resolve this is to talk to the children in the language and to allow them to respond only in that language. An attempt to combine fun-filled activities will grow their interest in learning the language. Whether it's communicating with friends and family in your home country or keeping up-to-date with their favorite television program, engage them in different learning activities. Your kids will be grateful for your determination once they get old enough!