6 Step guide to learning Malayalam as fast and easy as possible

Learning the Malayalam language might not be easy but it’s truly worth it. It will help you explore the beautiful state of Kerala, make Malayali friends and also enjoy some of the best Malayalam books and movies.
So, whether you are moving to Kerala, planning a vacation or simply want to communicate with your Keralite buddy- read on we are about to share everything to get you started.
How to get started with Malayalam?
Getting a good dictionary-
A great Malayalam dictionary is always a must-have for any learner irrespective of their local language. You can grab a good Malayalam dictionary or take the assistance of an online translation software to work as your dictionary. You can also find some free sites on the internet which contain vocabulary, pronunciation and phrases. Make a routine to memorize a few words daily.
Finding practice material, software and apps-
There is plenty of YouTube videos, apps, translation software and websites on the internet that can be availed for self study purposes. Just type in keywords like learn Malayalam, etc and you will come across a lot of options.
Getting along with friends-
Find some friends with whom you can make yourself comfortable and practice speaking the language, exchange notes, or just voice out your questions.
Being regular, persistent and patient-
Mastering any new language will be a challenge and you have to be regular, persistent and patient throughout the learning process.
But, it’s definitely worth the effort and fun in the end. Join our Malayalam language learning school online and see the difference for yourself.
Audio Visual Materials-
Audio visual materials are best to learn vocabulary, pronunciation, phrases, and their usage. You can always opt for online video sites / apps that contain videos or short lessons about the topics you would like to learn. You can also find YouTube channel and apps related to Malayalam language. Joining a beginner Malayalam learning class online is also proven useful. Read simple books to build your vocabulary base, get used to script reading and practice writing sentences from day 1.
Speaking with local/ near native speakers
Try speaking with the local or near native speakers whenever possible so that they could guide you on a lot of things including pronunciation. Make a routine for the same and stick to it. If you are in Kerala, joining a Malayalam speaking class in your area is highly recommended. The best way to study the language is to learn the basics from an individual and then to apply it by speaking that language with someone who has been using it for long.
Besides this the following tips can also assist you to learn Malayalam the right way-
- Write a journal
- Maintaining a voice diary by recording yourself speaking in Malayalam every day.
- Labeling things at home in Malayalam
- Keep a track on Malayalam bloggers, influencers and hashtags in social media
- Changing your phone settings, search engines and social media accounts to Malayalam
- Speaking to yourself in Malayalam
- Maintaining shopping and to-do lists in Malayalam
- Writing Malayalam short stories and poetry
- Kickstarting your own Malayalam language blog
Malayalam is an ancient and beautiful South Indian Dravidian Language with a rich cultural heritage that can be traced back to the second century BC. Malayalam is considered as the easiest Indian language to comprehend as the grammar is easy and can be easily understood by those who are familiar with other Indian languages like Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, etc. Learning this intricate tongue will equip you to live in one of India’s most prolific states, Kerala which is home to lush forests, beaches and other natural wonders. We hope that these tips will help you to learn and master the language in the best way.