Make homework fun for kids with these 10 practical tips

Homework! Not again, please. As a parent, do you feel the same way?
Are you getting frustrated by the load of homework your kids are allotted daily?
After being at school for over eight hours a day, it seems a little unfair, but you just need to rethink your approach. It demotivates both you and your kid. Homework is a way to prepare your children for their future. They need to learn to cope with the mounting pressures. They need to learn to deal with stress on their own. After all, you want them to be strong individuals.
The idea is to help them not get buffered with an overdose of knowledge. Their minds are like sponges that will absorb anything, that too quickly. But with overdosing it may affect their grasping ability. They cannot be helped by you doing their work. Here are some tips to tackle homework that you could use alternatively.
These are the fun ways to tackle this formidable task:
- Let them relax first: Getting home after school is like breaking out of jail. The only thought that overtakes the mind is about freedom. Children want to relax without restrictions, unlike school. They will want to eat and take a nap before getting ready for homework. Let them relax.
- Talk to them: After they are relaxed, enquire about their day. Ask about what was taught that day with curiosity. Let them talk to you like you are their best friend. Let them open up. Don’t interrupt while they are telling you about their activity. Do not judge their actions, and most importantly don’t scold or else they might stop telling you.
- Let them think of it as a game: Children are most motivated while playing. They get involved in those fun activities so deeply that it does not require any nagging from you. Apply the same formula while approaching homework. Make the topic more like a quiz game or artwork. This will motivate them to play and learn. And it is refreshing to both parents and children.
- Race against time: Children like games and racing is one type of a game. With setting time limits, they will try to finish the work as quickly as possible. Give it a push and you will see they are born to finish and win the race you set for them. Later, they can get the reward for their victory.
- Reward: It is the best motivator on the list. Promise a reward which may be a snack or a toy, or a little free time to watch TV, but only after they complete their homework. This will always work wonders. But be sure that it does not become a habit. Try different things and explore your child’s interests and set rewards accordingly. Come up with new ways to reward them.
- Homework buddy: Another way to make it fun is to find them a buddy while working on their homework. This will let them work together and learn on their own. As they may be classmates, they might even be a little competitive against each other. This is a healthy way of competition and must be encouraged often.
- Learning apps: These days the internet has become the best guide to all information and learning. Under your supervision, your child can use these learning apps to understand the concepts in a fun way. Different innovative approaches are found in these learning apps to teach the concepts to your kids. You too can learn some ways from them and help your kid.
- Work with them: Always be on the same team. Be with them while they are working on their homework. And help them understand their task better. Just watch them solve the query on their own. Let them find the solution by themselves. That will let them grow a healthy approach. Hold their hand only when needed. Do not let them stress over that homework. Let them know if they don’t get it, they can always try again, and the world is not going to end with that homework.
- Create a workspace for them: First, understand your child’s personality. Look for what interests them best, I mean some like going outdoors, others prefer to stay inside and study. Depending on their nature prepare a workspace where they are comfortable and best concentrate. This will refresh their minds and help them relax and work on the problem at hand.
- Break time: Offer break time whenever they are through a task. Check their work in that time. Let them relax during that time. Maybe you could ask about the doubts you have about their homework and let them try to clarify that for you. This will give them time to think about the topic at hand and come up with a better solution. Or else let them simply enjoy their time.
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